I just read an interesting article called Aircraft for Space Tourism to be Unveiled. While reading it, my imagination kept getting the better of me and my mind drifted off into some of the possibilities this could bring about.
I would almost have to think that such a business would cause a chill down NASA or at least the US government's spine. Can you say "no censorship or control over anything the tourists would see"? And especially if the tourist aircraft launched from another country I doubt the US government would have any cronies on board to tell the tourists they were only seeing debris, ice crystals, or "space gas" when the inevitable sightings of bright and blinking lights occurred. It's one thing to explain away things under 50,000 feet of altitude, but quite another I'm sure to come up with good ones to explain what that was that just made a U-turn where there's no atmosphere for an airplane's control surfaces to be effective, much less it's engine. Wow, at least this could create some new government jobs: "Wanted: someone with a good imagination who can convince people they never saw anything unusual". Wait a minute—they've already employed these folks.
If these "space buses" were operated from the US, I'm sure one of the many bureaucratic restrictions placed on the private businesses operating them would be not to give credence to UFOs or risk being closed down for some violation without the word "UFO" in it. Maybe the government would "subsidize" the private business for complying with it's instructions on how to ignore a UFO, however, these businesses probably wouldn't need government assistance at the prices they will charge Joe Q. Public for a quick ride around the block.
Could well-heeled civilians in space actually help in the UFO disclosure effort? At first, at least, such tourism would be very expensive and only financially-independent tourists would be able to afford such a trip ($200,000 per head according to the article, and probably no first class seating). If enough Laurence Rockefellers witnessed such obviously unusual objects while checking out the Sea of Tranquility on the right and the Atlantic Ocean just ahead on the left, maybe we could get somewhere quicker. Nah. However, the more people who see UFOs, the fewer "non-believers" will be remaining.
It'll be interesting to see how this whole space tourism industry shakes down, but I'm not holding my breath thinking it'll start anytime soon.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Well, where do I begin? For some strange reason I felt compelled to write about UFOs and comment on some very old as well as current UFO goings on. I don't think the urge was anything akin to Richard Dreyfuss's compulsion to build a big mud mountain on his kitchen table, but I think it's more a way to get my thoughts in order on this multifaceted and mysterious subject.
There aren't many subjects I know much about, but I guess this one might qualify as one I'm pretty familiar with...but come to think about it, how much do even the the premier "UFO experts" know regarding the subject? Not much, come to think of it.
When it comes down to it, we basically know that they—UFOs—exist (if you have trouble on this one please move along or do a little bit of research). I'm not talking about misidentified birds or planes, etc., but genuine unconventional aerial vehicles whose existence is not exactly advertised by the powers that be. These vehicles have been flying in our friendly skies since at least the 1940s, and by various accounts from all over the world they've been around for hundreds of years. Even if one hasn't made his mind up on the possibility of alien life visiting our planet, there is an enormous pile of evidence that says someone is flying these unconventional craft around our skies.
We also know that the governments of the larger countries know much more than they're telling (at least the handful of those governments' members who are privy to the most sensitive information). Seriously, even if our governments haven't been in communication with extraterrestrials, they've probably scavenged enough of the alleged wrecked craft and if they've seen even one dead body they know something's up, and they ain't talking...
Even the experts in the field who start rattling off "facts" often tend be using conjecture since there is very little beside UFO characteristics and case reports that we have in the way of solid information. Other than those researchers who get out and do field investigation, leg work, or look for official information archived in presidential libraries, I have a hard time calling someone an expert who pompously pontificates from his computer keyboard without having anything substantial to contribute but his own opinion yet portrays himself as having all the answers. You know the type.
Well, enough of my own pontification. I hope you enjoy your visit and check in from time to time.
There aren't many subjects I know much about, but I guess this one might qualify as one I'm pretty familiar with...but come to think about it, how much do even the the premier "UFO experts" know regarding the subject? Not much, come to think of it.
When it comes down to it, we basically know that they—UFOs—exist (if you have trouble on this one please move along or do a little bit of research). I'm not talking about misidentified birds or planes, etc., but genuine unconventional aerial vehicles whose existence is not exactly advertised by the powers that be. These vehicles have been flying in our friendly skies since at least the 1940s, and by various accounts from all over the world they've been around for hundreds of years. Even if one hasn't made his mind up on the possibility of alien life visiting our planet, there is an enormous pile of evidence that says someone is flying these unconventional craft around our skies.
We also know that the governments of the larger countries know much more than they're telling (at least the handful of those governments' members who are privy to the most sensitive information). Seriously, even if our governments haven't been in communication with extraterrestrials, they've probably scavenged enough of the alleged wrecked craft and if they've seen even one dead body they know something's up, and they ain't talking...
Even the experts in the field who start rattling off "facts" often tend be using conjecture since there is very little beside UFO characteristics and case reports that we have in the way of solid information. Other than those researchers who get out and do field investigation, leg work, or look for official information archived in presidential libraries, I have a hard time calling someone an expert who pompously pontificates from his computer keyboard without having anything substantial to contribute but his own opinion yet portrays himself as having all the answers. You know the type.
Well, enough of my own pontification. I hope you enjoy your visit and check in from time to time.
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